Environmental Investigation and Remediation Services
Semper Environmental is experienced in a wide range of site assessment/characterization and remediation services. Our team of environmental science experts have decades of experience in all manner of environmental projects, having worked closely with numerous organizations and government agencies.

Our Environmental Services:
All phases of:
- RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)
- CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act)
- NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act)
Site investigation and remediation services for:
- Groundwater
- Soil
- Soil Vapor & Vapor Intrusion
- PFAS/PFOA sampling and analyses
- Environmental risk assessments (Human and ecological)
- Groundwater Investigations
- Monitoring well installation, development, and sampling
- Water and Wastewater Treatment & Remediation
- Aquifer Testing and Hydrogeological properties
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) Consulting
- Phase I, II, III Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
- Contaminant Plume Delineation
- DNAPL and NAPL Investigations
- Characterization of Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs); PFOA and PFOS
- Groundwater Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)
- Surface Water Sampling
- Active and Passive Soil Gas Surveys and Sampling
- Surface and Subsurface Soil Sampling (grab, composite, ISM, in-situ XRF)
- Indoor Air and Vapor Intrusion Investigations
- Chemical Warfare Agent Site Investigations
- Compound Specific Isotopic Analysis and Contaminant Forensics
- Contaminant Fate and Transport Investigations
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Waste Management, Characterization, and Disposal
- All Related Document Preparation (e.g., UFP-QAPP, Work Plans, APP/SSHP, Reports, etc.)
- Community Relations and Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) Support
Featured Project

Semper assists the Tooele Army Depot in soil analyses.
Semper Environmental helped the US Army determine baseline soil concentrations for a new Open Burn/Open Detonation (OB/OD) facility at the Tooele Army Depot in Utah.
We Can Help
If you have an environmental compliance or contamination issue, our team is ready to help. Our environmental experts have decades of experience — and they’ll provide professional support and guidance every step of the way.