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Project: Tooele Army Depot South Area OB/OD ISM Baseline Soil Sampling

May 18, 2022 | Case Study, Environmental-News

Tooele Army Depot —
South Area OB/OD ISM Baseline Soil Concentrations

Below is a description of a project that Semper Environmental has completed (or is working on). For all projects listed, Semper Environmental has worked in a subcontractor role, but our contribution in each project has been significant and often times has been in a project-lead capacity.

Semper was subcontracted by AQS, Inc. to determine baseline surface soil concentrations for a newly permitted Open Burn/Open Detonation (OB/OD) facility at the Tooele Army Depot—South Area, in Utah. Semper assisted in planning, including coordination and a site visit with environmental regulators, and was responsible for procuring and coordinating with an analytical laboratory. Semper Environmental developed the standard operating procedure and designed the sample units and decision units for the Incremental Sampling Method (ISM) that was used. Semper performed and managed the ISM field sampling and provided GIS mapping support and technical review for the Work Plan and Sampling Report. The project was completed with no issues and on time and within budget. The Army and AQS clients and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) were very satisfied with the work and the results. The project established the background soil concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds which future soil sampling results will be compared to for this new Army OB/OD facility.


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